
General Information

Full Name Hoang Pham Van
Date of Birth 16th Feburary 1998
Languages Vietnamese, English


  • 2021
    B.Sc in Computer Science
    Hanoi University of Science and Technology
    • GPA 3.33/4.0 (5 years program)
    • Thesis "Global Context Information Aggregation in U-Net Architecture for Polyp Segmentation Problem"


  • May 2021 - Present
    AI Research Resident
    FPT Software AI Center
  • June 2019 - June 2021
    Student Research Assistant
    Data Science Lab - Hanoi University of Science and Technology
    • Advised by

Academic Interests

  • Continual Learning
    • Architecture-based Continual Learning
    • Leveraging Pre-trained models for Continual Learning
  • Sparse Neural Network
    • Understanding Pruning at Initialization methods

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Football, Music, Movie, etc.